The Prayer Altar is a lifestyle where we draw the presence of God and push back the spiritual darkness to see transformation come into lives and lands. It is not a program but a lifestyle and is bigger than us, our church and even our nation.
The Altar is a place of adoring, listening, turning, agreeing and reviving. It is a spiritual gateway where heaven comes to earth, where angels ascend and descend and miraculous transformations take place.
The building of prayer altars is not a program. It is a necessity for Christians and for Christian communities to live victoriously and in the purposes of God. As we build altars there are six activities that we engage in that cause us to rise up as warrior priests for His Kingdom.
The foundation of the prayer altar is the Word of God. We encourage all to read around ten chapters of Scripture in order every day so that we connect with God and soak in His Word. Then we enter into praise and worship, hallowing His name from our Scripture reading time so we commune with Him and draw His presence. Then we go into deep repentance as convicted in the presence of God to receive cleansing so we can be qualified priests to go deeper. That is when a gateway to heaven opens and we cross into the spiritual realm where the Spirit of God illuminates and brings revelation and His quickened Word leads us as we start to pray and intercede according to His agenda and not our agenda, and He empowers us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is when we cry out in intercession for others through deep identificational repentance. During this time of Spirit-led intercession we come before God’s Throne to enter into covenant declaration and decreeing over our lives and lands as the Lord leads us in all authority.
This journey happens in our daily private altar times but also spills over into our daily life. Personal prayer altars transform us. Family prayer altars transform our families. Marketplace altars transform our workplaces, community altars transform our communities (such as our church) and national altars transform our nations by ushering in His presence and pushing ways the darkness. The prayer altar ushers us into our destinies in all these areas, for Singapore this means coming into the fullness of our Antioch calling.
祭坛是个崇拜,聆听,回转,立约和复兴的地方。它是一个通向灵界的门 - 是天堂降临地上,天使上去下来,转化和神迹彰显的地方。
这样的旅程不止发生在我们每天的个人祭坛祷告时间里,也满溢的进入我们每天的生活中。个人的祷告祭坛转化我们个人。家庭的祷告祭坛转化我们的家庭。职场的祷告祭坛转化我们的职场,社群祭坛转化我们的社群(例如我们的教会),国家祭坛转化我们的国家,在这样的转化中我们迎接神的同在和推开黑暗的权势。祭坛祷告引领我们在所有这些领域中进入我们的命定,对新加坡而言, 这意味着我们进入作为安提亚呼召的命定。